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Evolution Web Sites

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:( Evolution Web Sites

Post by everready Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:37 pm

NoCreation vs Evolution Websites
by Brother Bob...<><

As christian parents, each of us tries to bring up our children in the
"nuture and admonition of the Lord" . The very first concept taught in the Bible,
and one we want to pass on to our children is...

"In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen 1:1)

One of my great frustrations is that having taught this timeless and precious
truth to my children, the public schools come along and try to "unteach"
this treasure as being myth and foolishness, and substitute the actual myth and foolishness of origins by evolution. Even in kindergarten, and also all the way up through all the public educational system, they try to indoctrinate God and creation out of our children's belief system.

And what do they offer as a "scientific" alternative to Creation and preservation by a loving God? Mindless evolution by cosmic accidents and billions of years of random chance processes; teaching them that there is no God, and we re nothing more than glorified animals having evolved from primordial slime in the far distant past, having no moral compass and that there are no absolutes of morality or anything else. Is it any wonder that we are raising a generation of demoralized and suicidal misfits with no reason for living?

This is so unfair, and yet it is part of the worldly society in which we find ourselves. We expect our children to become "educated" and get the skills they will need to succeed in our complex technological society...instead they are being turned into dumbed-down wanderers, adrift in a meaningless universe of atheism, humanism and pleasure-seeking.

So what is the importance of Creation Science in all of this? Creation science takes us back to a belief in the world-view which God has revealed in Genesis. If we got here by random chance, and there is no need to believe in the God of the Bible, then the remainder of the Bible is largely irrelavent. They present "scientific evidence" and theories to prove their ideas, but upon closer examination of the real scientific evidence, it turns out that the science actually proves that we must have had a creator, because what is here is too complex to have just happened by random chance processes. It is into this place that Creation Science comes to show the "real science" which actually proves the need for an intelligent creator, and that this Creator is God.

So as we send our children back into the lions' den for another year,
here is a little help from some excellent sources on Creation Science, that our
kids can perhaps use to counter the false claims of evolutionists, and to show
that God is indeed the Great Scientist...The Creator of All That Is, and that you dont have to check your brain in at the door when you become a christian.

As it says in Luke 19:37-40 (KJV) ...
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